First Osteopathy Visit - What To Expect.

What Should I Expect In My First Osteopathy Appointment?

Your First appointment with the Osteopath will last between 45minutes to 1 hour.

It will involve a detailed case history taking, a full body assessment, treatment and preventative advice.


Your Osteopath will firstly take a detailed case history which will include listening to you and asking questions about your presenting health concerns, your overall general health, your past medical history, any surgeries or illnesses, and any medication that you are currently taking.

All of this information helps the Osteopath understand how your body functions and also what it has been through.


Your Osteopath will then examine the area(s) of your body causing discomfort. You may be asked to remove one piece of clothing or undress down to your underwear.

Your Osteopath will most likely leave the room to allow you privacy while you undress. If you feel uncomfortable doing this please discuss with your Osteopath. Many patients feel more comfortable bringing shorts to wear, loose vest and a towel to cover up.

You will then be asked to do some movements and stretches so that the Osteopath can observe your posture, check your spinal mobility and assess your muscles and joints for any stiffness or pain. They will use their hands to palpate the muscles and surrounding tissues to feel for tightness and stiffness so that they can identify what could be causing the problem.


Once the physical assessment has been completed, your Osteopath will give you a clear explanation of what they find. If there is time a suitable treatment will be provided, exercises and home advice may be offered to ensure the best, most efficient recovery and prevent re-occurrence.

Your Osteopath will decide if any follow up sessions are needed, it is most likely you will need to return as one session will not be enough. All follow up sessions are 30minutes, unless longer is requested or needed.

Your subsequent visits will include asking how you responded to your treatment, reviewing your diagnosis, providing treatment and advice.

If you ever have any questions or concerns during your appointment do ask your Osteopath.

On Rare Occasions your Osteopath may identify something in the case history taking that they are unable to treat and decide not to proceed any further, in which case they will refer you to your GP or another suitable healthcare professional.  


It is common to feel some soreness/discomfort or worsening of symptoms for the first 24-48 hours of treatment. Your Osteopath will explain the most likely reactions and side effects of your treatment and advice on how to address this. If any pain persist after this contact your Osteopath for advice.


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